Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm going to be doing an interview with EponaReviews really soon on Outsider! Here's the link: Caeden is also going to be interviewed. So if you have any questions about Outsider that you'd like me or Caeden to answer then email them to: 
Please specify in your email which questions are for me and which are for Caeden. You must have your questions in by July 13th. That’s this Friday.
I can’t wait to hear what you guys want to know!

P.S. I’ve been working on some really awesome swag for the September giveaway! I’m so excited! Eeeek!


Two and a half hours until Teen Wolf! Yippee! (I think Sophie should watch Teen Wolf, that would be really funny, since she's a wolf shifter. Just sayin'. Teehee.)

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